Love in Action
In Psalm 142 we read:
"Lead my soul from prison, that I may give thanks to your name."
Our soul, which was created to love, by God our Creator, who IS love, can find itself "in prison" when we close ourselves off from the outpouring of God's grace, by setting our hearts elsewhere.
What is imprisoning your soul this Lent? What needs to be cleaned out and purified so that you may be free of sin and worldly desires?
When we experience the Holy Spirit guiding us away from sin, it is then that we find ourselves most grateful for all of God's blessings.
As Psalm 142 tells us, God is our refuge. When we feel we are being pursued, we need to cry out to God for help. Sometimes our "spirit is faint" within us and it is in those very moments that we must ask God to "thoroughly wash away my guilt; and from sin cleanse me." (Psalm 51)
I hope we can all arrive at Easter, renewed in the Spirit, and prepared to set our hearts on God, for it is only in God that we can experience true freedom.
Janet Cassidy
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