Let God Work Through You: 14th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Passion Sunday was celebrated. Statues are being covered with purple cloths. Our Lenten journey is coming to an end and Passiontide is on the horizon.
Some have found it successful in keeping their sacrifices since Ash Wednesday. Then, there are some who are getting in rhythm. However, like every Lent, there have been some who have struggled. You are not alone.
The good news is that these finals days leading up to the Holy Week and Easter Triduum can be a good time to finish strong.
Some suggestions can help salvage the spiritual slump.
Get to Confession
From the Saturday of Passion Week to Good Friday, churches will be offering additional Penance services. Churches will have an extended hour of confession prior to the Saturday vigil. Seeking God’s mercy now can help us be spiritually prepare for the triduum and the celebration to follow.
Do Works of Mercy
The 14 works of mercy are awaiting to be practiced. Chances are the community at large are gearing up for spring cleaning. It can be an opportunity to lend a helping hand. Get friends and family together to make care packages for the homeless, the woman in a crisis pregnancy who is contemplating abortion write cards for veterans and homebound. Lent is an opportunity to give alms. It is not just about money. Rather, it is donating one’s gifts and talents to help others.
Make a Holy Hour
Jesus once asked his apostles who fell asleep when he returned from praying at the garden, “Can you not watch for one hour?” Spend time before the Blessed Sacrament. From Holy Thursday evening to about the beginning of Good Friday service the repository will be exposed. This will be another opportunity to pray before Jesus and keep watch. During that time, bring a spiritual to help with prayerful meditation. Pray all 20 mysteries of the rosary. Pray without ceasing.
Take Part in Triduum Services
The triduum services entail Holy Thursday and Good Friday. Holy Thursday includes the washing of the feet and the carrying of the Eucharist only to be placed in the repository for exposition. We also witness how Jesus instituted the Eucharist and Holy priesthood that evening with eleven faithful men.
Good Friday begins with exposition at the repository. Begin the day praying before the Blessed Sacrament. Take part in Stations of the Cross service (if available).
Keep Mary, Joseph, and Saints as Companions
The saints have all undergone many trials on earth before obtaining the glories of heaven. Pray for their intercession as you draw closer to the pivotal moment of salvation history.
It’s never too late to get right with God. Don’t wait until Holy Week. The time is now.