Take Courage
Do You Know Me
Do I hear do I listen
Or just hang my head in frustration
I strive each and every day
To work hard not frivolously play
Why is this life so depressing
What pray tell am I missing
Me my child is whom you lack
I who care for you even if you slack
It is I who provide what you need
Give up your ego and to Me please heed
As I told the generations long ago
Leave your baggage behind let it go
What you’re saying is then just believe in You
Then all my troubles will be through
What about my spouse my family
Still You insist with this trust it’ll be okay
They and I will be just fine
This I struggle with in my mind
My child look at Abraham who believed
As did the Prophets the Kings yes David
Look when I came in person
My greatest saving triumph my crucifixion and Resurrection
I came to save all but especially the sick and sinners
Not the wealthy who think they’re winners
So what You’re saying is I must trust
I mustn’t whine be angry or fuss
I should be kind to all I meet
Even the addict dirty in the street
And then what tell me what to do
I am so lost please help me be with You
Listen do you know Me I am your Lord
Read My story study My Word
Offer all you do to Me by prayer
Daily do this everyday anywhere
And I will offer you a chance at eternity
In Heaven with Us Three the Blessed Trinity
JFFIII 3/19/24