Our Giving God
As a child, I used to think of Holy Week as a great reward for the coming of the Easter Bunny. It did not resonate in my mind that it was and is the most sorrowful yet joyous week of the whole year. Of the whole of humanity. If this rememberance of these special days were not so very important to mankind's salvation, they would have been forgotten a long time ago.
The innocence of a child is so sweet. Jesus was a child once also. The suffering that Mary, our Mother, incurred, was from the memories of this child. With all of the innocence a baby could instill on a mother's heart. The pangs that she felt, from the moment she bore him, never went away. Dreaded and placated with the Armor of God , She made the Holy Week Her own as She suffered right along with Him, who is our Savior. Though not bloody and scourged, Her Heart and whole being Felt the blows that the cruel soldiers laid upon His innocent body. Her blood mingled with His in their veins, she walked the road to Calvary in every sense of the word along with Him. Humility, surrender, torture, and love seized the Hearts of our Mother and Father. Gaining no relief until that final moment when He said, "it is finished".
But was it really over? That meant that She, Mary, had to go each day without seeing Him or talking to Him the way they used to do. Oh! the sorrow! Oh! the faith! Oh! the longing!
This Holy Week recalls not only the Salvation of the world, but a true sense of Love between Father and Mother, Son and the world.