The Pinnacle
Meditation – A Form of Prayer
Submitted by Thomas Stidl
All human beings should always take time to meditate. A good place to start would be to meditate on the works of God. Without God, this entire world would collapse. We know that there is a God, because of what we see in nature. God created all. We must keep this always in mind. We must always look for the harmony that was meant to be from the foundation of the world. When God made man, He made us in his own image and likeness which means that he gave us intellect and intelligence. The Divine spark within us leads to creativity and ideas to help reshape our world.
I hope that you have seen pictures of the earth from space. From that level, our world is a thing of beauty, a joy forever to behold. Try meditating on the hand of God that created all the forces that keep our globe rotating and revolving around the sun. We have night and day. We have different seasons of the year. All were put into place by the forces created by the loving, omnipotent and almighty mind of God. We human beings should always seek a greater union with this gracious God. Since we are all created in his image and likeness, all that we create should be inn his image. Harmony in all that we accomplish is following the two great commandments. We must love the Lord with our entire being and love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Love is the foundation of all of our actions toward God and all humankind. Love creates peace and harmony in our world.
One particular thought just crossed my mind. God created borders. There is a fence or wall around heaven. No one from hell can enter heaven, nor can anyone enter heaven without a proper background checks. Having had one parent, grandparents, and great grandparents who went through Ellis Island taught me that fact years ago. Borders keep order. This is another concept created by God.
Finally, I finish this writing with a quote from Saint Anthony of Padua for meditation. It is as follows, “Do you want to have everything? Give all of yourself to God and God will give all of Himself to you. And thus, not having anything of yourself, you will totally possess God and yourself in Him.”
Meditate on this last thought and always enjoy the presence of God in your total life. This is our calling in life. The Baltimore Catechism said that we must know, love and serve God in this world and be happy with Him forever in the next life in heaven.
Until next time, Laus Tibi, Christe. Deo Gratias. Gloria Tibi Domini. Praise be to God. See you in Paradise. Amen.