George Washington's Letter to Catholics
Here we are. The final saying of Christ. This time it is taken from the Gospel of Luke which reads, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit” Luke 23:46
Jesus didn’t want to die, yet he gave his total surrender to the father. He did it because he loved him and all of humanity. He endured so much pain and suffering, so he can fulfill what the prophets have foretold.
Let’s recap the previous hours leading up to his crucifixion and death. First, he feasts with eleven men during the Last Supper. In the discourse, he told them about how he will lay down his life for them (see John 15:13).
After the Passover feast, he prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane saying, “Remove this cup.” It’s a powerful prayer to His Father clearly showing He doesn’t want to die. When this phrase comes up, it reminds us of all that he was willing to surrender to the father and do what he wanted not his own desires. To me, it is a sign of humility.
When he asked his father to take away his cup, he knew that the time for his passion and death were near. What he did in the midst of all was praying
He prayed during the times of false accusations brought forth from the Sanhedrin and high priest. He prayed when Peter denied him three times before the cock crowed. He prayed when the soldiers brutally scourged him. He prayed when he was sentenced to death and Pilate was appealing to the crowd to be. He prayed when he carried a heavy cross which was weigh by the sins of humanity. He prayed as he fell. He prayed when he was nailed to the cross by those who were apathetic towards him. He prayed for his father to forgive all who hurt him and not know what they did.
When it was all over, Jesus looked up to the father and offered his spirit. He accomplished what his father wanted him to do on earth.
Let us to surrender our will to God the father.