Our feeling of isolation and abandonment
What Jesus Taught Us by His Example
Eileen Renders April 2024
In contemplating the life that Jesus lived as a Carpenter’s son on earth and preparing as He matured, to complete the task of His ministry of teaching His sheep and dying on the Cross to save us from the snares of Satan, He provided many lessons to us regarding clean and healthy living.
He showed us how He remained obedient to His Mother Mary, and His stepfather St. Joseph, He showed us the graces associated with humility. Jesus practiced the Beatitudes as well. Jesus avoided envy, sloth, and gluttony.
Whenever we are unsure of how to proceed in a particular situation, or in making an important decision, we may ask ourselves as I often do; “What would Jesus do?” Let us not forget that Jesus taught us also how to remain healthy of body, mind, and spirit.
For example, cancer was stable in the United States between 2009 and 2018. When World War 1 ended in 2019, we saw an increase in cancer of 6.6%. World War 11 ended with the surrender of Germany in 1945.
Chicago established itself in the early 1900s as the meat packaging center in the United States, and then along came refrigeration, all of which created the opportunity for every family to partake daily in the consumption of beef and pork.
The greatest rise in the early onset of cancers, including esophagus, breast, liver, and pancreas was noted globally in the early 1900s. Today research tells us that red meat is highly acidic and changes the body’s ideal pH range. Those of us who own a swimming pool or fish tank are well aware of the importance of a safe pH balance for health and survival. Our pH range is ideal between 7.2 – 7.4, slightly alkaline. This is best for the ideal oxygenation of blood. We are composed of two-thirds water.
To return once again to Jesus and how He taught us. Jesus, from all that we have noted in bible verses, sat down for a meal consisting of fresh fish, baked bread, and a small glass of wine, or water.
We depend today on refrigeration, highly processed foods, and excess intake of red meat, salt, or excess sugar, not at all the way our Creator lived and ate. The paradox of the sweetness of sugar is that it too, is highly acidic.
Back in the day, people were not always dependent upon medications for everything from the flu to high cholesterol to obesity. Many physical conditions can often be reversed under a physician’s care through regular exercise and good nutrition. For over twenty years I have tried to follow God’s lead through research ad writing of health books and always with Christ at the center.