Instituion of the Holy Eucharist
You told us it was time for You
to return to the Father,
and we walked up the mountain
with You, Oh Jesus.
You promised to send the Holy Spirit
to be with us, to guide and teach us.
And You said You would prepare a room
for each of us with You in heaven.
Prepare the temple in my heart too, Oh Lord,
that it becomes a holy place worthy of You.
A place where Your Holy Spirit
might abide with me, now, in this time.
Help it be a sweet space.
A space empty of my own needs and longings,
my worries and grief.
A space empty of the corruptions
of this world.
A space filled, instead,
with Your grace and mercy and goodness.
A space where You might work
through me to bless others,
as You call them to Yourself.
Fill me with purpose in my times of sorrow.
Cleanse me. Expel even my memories of corruption.
Fill me instead with hope and
visions of Your glory and magnificence.
As You ascend from our sight
into the clouds of heaven,
teach me to trust and hope in Your promises.
Help me to say, “Yes”
and welcome Your Holy Spirit,
as He guides me and teaches me Your ways.
Build that place in me, precious Lord,
where we might sit in Your peace,
free of the chaos and clutter of this world,
free, Oh Jesus, of all but You.
As I contemplate the heavenly room
You’re building for me
in Your kingdom to come,
prepare me that I might pass easily
into that place.
As You robe me in Your humility,
strip me of all artifice, deceit and doubt.
Take my confusion and replace it
with confidence in Your plan for me,
Your Will for my life.
As I walk with You
in the mystery of Your Holy Spirit, Oh Lord,
Forgive me in Your mercy.
Bless me with Your goodness.
Surround me and fill me, finally,
with the beauty of Your Perfect Love.