Our Sweet Mother
"If we are the Body of Christ," my husband pondered, "then we are each like cells in the body, and if the body is a combination of healthy and sick cells, how do unhealthy cells find healing?
It's a good question.
If you are a disciple who strives to follow Jesus and do what we are supposed to do, what is your responsibility to those who have strayed?
What is the treatment?
I was reading in the March, 2024 issue of Columbia (the Knights of Columbus publication) about three families who experienced extraordinary healings. ("If you need a miracle", pg. 22, online: https://issuu.com/columbia-magazine/docs/columbiamar24en)
These stories remind us of the power of God to heal, which, in turn, reminds us that God can bring healing and unity to his body when it is broken, fragmented by his children who live as if he doesn't exist.
If you have a physical problem, you go to the doctor. As members of the Body of Christ, when we are in need of healing, we go to the Divine Physician as well.
When following the prescription, or treatment for helping others, we take some responsibility for sharing in his healing work.
We do this by our willingness to share our faith, to give our personal testimony of why we follow and trust in God, to be courageous, and to actively pray on behalf of others, just to name a few examples.
These are ways we participate in healing other members ("cells") of Christ's body. This responsibility should not be taken lightly, for when we care for others, it is a great act of love.
Happy Easter!
Janet Cassidy
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