Freedom of Relgion is it secure?
Victory is a sign of strength, Cf Gog and Magog.
Wars are always fought with the hope of victory, but most end in the loss of life on both sides. If we could but rely on the attributes of love and peace in any disagreement would there be any reason to strike fear in one another? From the beginning of human history man has had a propensity to seek the belongings of other people. Historians believe the first war recorded in history took place in Mesopotamia in 2,700 B.C, between the forces of Sumer and Elam. There also was a conflict about 10,000 years ago in eastern Africa, a resource-rich lagoon known as Nataruk was the setting of humanity’s earliest known violent conflict. Earliest known war was a repeated conflict in Sudan 13,400 years ago. These are a few reports found on the internet. A further comment states; Although we don’t know much about what led to this war (Mesopotamia), some experts believe it was likely the result of societies beginning to compete for limited resources as agriculture began to replace hunting and gathering. So why do wars occur? There are many reasons groups of people go to war with other groups. Major conflicts are often a result of clashes in religion or culture, disputes over territory or other resources, acts of revenge, or to make radical changes in a nation’s government.
The impact of war will always put one or more nations or specific groups against another nation and/or particular groups within that nation against one another. As a benchmark of nations against nations in the 21st century, our present time 2024, we are looking at WWIII, not as a possibility but as a probability. The battle of Gog and Magog described in Ezekiel is perhaps the most debated in biblical prophecy.
We need to look at Ezekiel in chapters 38 and 39 to get an eye-opening prophecy of what may be closer than we believe. The first prophecy against Gog: “Thus the word of the Lord came to me: “Son of man, turn toward Gog (the land of Magog), the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him.” Thus says the Lord God: “See! I am coming at you, Gog, chief prince of Meshach and Tubal. I will lead you forth with all your army, horses and riders all handsomely outfitted, a great horde with bucklers and shields, all of them carrying swords: Persia, Cush, and Put with them (all with shields and helmets), Gomer with all its troops, Berh-to-garmah from the recesses of the north with all its troops, many people with you. Prepare yourself, be ready, you and your horde assembled about you, and be at my disposal. After many days you will be mustered (In the last years you will come) against a nation which has survived the sword, which has been assembled from many peoples (on the mountains of Israel which were long in a ruin), which has been brought forth from among the peoples and all of whom now dwell in security.” (Ez 38: 1 - 8).
A description of the timing of the invasion from Israel’s enemies, yet to be pronounced, and in this 21st century the probability of its occurrence is imminent.
The concluding sentence of the 1st prophecy against Gog; “I will prove my greatness and holiness and make myself known in the sight of many nations; thus they shall know that I am the Lord.” (Ez 38: 23).
The second prophecy against Gog: “You shall come up against my people Israel like a cloud covering the land. In the last days I will bring you against my land, that the nations may know me, when in their sight I prove my holiness through you, O Gog.” (Ez 38: 16).
3rd prophecy against Gog: “I will send fire upon Magog and upon those who live securely in the coastlands; thus they shall know that I am the Lord.” (Ez 39: 6).
Israel’s return: “Thus I will display my glory among the nations, and all the nations shall see the judgment I have executed and the hand I have laid upon them. From that day forward the house of Israel shall know that I am the Lord, their God.” (Ez 39: 21 - 22).
Many present scripture scholars and teachers believe this battle will either be within the Rapture’s start or just prior to it. At any rate, the battle with Russia, Persia, Iran, and perhaps China as well will be lining up as we already are witnessing. The land of Ukraine is also considered along with Russia as an enemy of Israel’s future war.
This is a parallel to the end times that may be around the corner of history in the making as we watch the events beginning to take shape. Fear should not be on our minds, but the peace that will be the conclusion of Christ’s reentry to the earth and the overthrow of Satan and all that he would hand to God’s children.
Ralph B. Hathaway