We Ask our Lord with a Certainty
“Faith in the Resurrection of Jesus says that there is a future for every human being.” Pope Benedict XVI
There has been a lot of hype surrounding the eclipse these days. I was getting a bit weary of it. We just experienced Easter, but it seems that it is taking a back seat to the eclipse. Sadly, there is a disconnect as to what joy might really be since it was God who created the world and this wonder of nature comes from Him, as does everything. The eclipse occurs this year on the same day as the transferred feast day of the Annunciation. This feast day is announcement of the real joy!
“The gate of heaven is very low. Only the humble can enter it.” St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
We might feel miniscule in front of a natural phenomenon such as the eclipse. However, we would feel even more humbled in front of the Infinite. This is the beauty of Christianity. This is the beauty of the Catholic Church. I enjoy the readings so much in the Easter season. The texts from the Acts of the Apostles and the Epistles. The early Christians had such a joy in their heart and a burning desire to proclaim the good news. It was attempted to silence the Apostles and they may have been ordered not to announce the Resurrection of Jesus, but they could not be silent. Peter, John and the Apostles had hearts that were burning.
“All who truly believe in Christ and cleave to Him with all their soul, are changed into His image by the power of His Resurrection.” St. Theophan the Recluse
St. Vincent Ferrer lived at a time when the Church was struggling with schism with more than one pope. St. Vincent worked tirelessly to bring the schism to an end. Yet, he did not give up. He worked ardently for reconciliation, and he preached Christ with vigour. This is something we all must do with our actions. Blessed Maria Karlowska, in the same way, worked with prostitutes. She worked diligently and tried to set an example and wanted to bring everyone closer to Christ. This is the point of the Resurrection – that we all draw closer to God. Another Blessed, Pierina Morosini, in 1957 was walking home from work in her town in Italy and died because of being attacked by a would-be assailant. She died a martyr to chastity. Only someone with such faith in Christ would do anything for Him. We need to be reminded constantly that it is this faith we desire.
“Heaven is a city on a hill; hence, we cannot be cast into it: we have to climb.” Ven. Fulton J. Sheen