Searching the unknown is for explorers; searching for God is to be known as lovers!
“One Bread one body one Lord of all!”
Coming Events; Tyranny or Anarchy? Of course article after article pronounced the day that is on the edge of complete control of destruction; one religion, one central government, and one sense of a loss of freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution.
No more as we see the constant barrage of blindness upon the truths we hold dear to our hearts. President Biden’s State of the Union speech did not promise change for the better in our nation. Rather, he did acknowledge that he would do all in his power to overturn the Justices’ decision to overrule the Roe vs Wade rule of abortion as a federal mandate. He also was on fire to do little more than completely put down ex-president Trump as his avowed enemy and blamed him for all the ills that belong to the far-left, inaugurated by the White House.
When we sing the well known song “One Bread, one Body” by John Foley, S.J. We adhere to the very Truth of Thanksgiving, Eucharist, that Jesus gave us on the Cross. However, the theme of one government and one totality of life under one flag of world power is at the very base of what this present leadership in Washington is about. At one time, in many countries across the globe, dictatorship was prominent and freedoms that we still enjoy were non-existent. Is it any wonder that so many people are seeking entrance into the United States, no matter what the cost is.
I predicted that if the current president, Joe Biiden, is reelected to the White House, the very onslaught of a failing democracy is about to collapse under his tutelage. Referring back to the Book of Revelation, and supported by Daniel and other prophets, the world powers will be assembled before Israel and a skirmish will turn into the final battle Armageddon.
There may be some who do not believe that the apocalypse is any more valid than a pink rabbit at Easter. However, according to many ministers of note, all of the prophecies in the Old Testament have occurred except this final encounter made up of the Rapture, the seven-year tribulation, culminating in the return of Christ on the earth.
The antichrist is said by some that he is already alive in our time. It may be a new-born who will grow to meet the dictates of Satan, or he may already be planning his take-over of the world. Remember, the devil will not be a red-faced evil with horns, and a large tail for destruction. He will appear as a man, probably well-dressed, very charismatic, and able to convince many he is God saving everyone from final death. ( “And no wonder, for even Satan masquerades as an angel of light.”) (2 Cor 11: 14).
But in the disguise of someone who will rid the world of all evil called democracy he will in fact raise from the sea a monstrous enemy called the beast and will cast into hell all who have left Christianity for the attraction of sinful pleasure and the ominous destruction of souls who were once God’s children into the followers of Satan himself. (Rv 13: 1 - 10).
This is not a script for Halloween with make-believe characters. It is Truth that Christ warned us about: “For as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. In those days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day that Noah entered the ark. They did not know until the flood came and carried them all away. So it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. Two will be out in the field; one will be taken, and one will be left. Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken, and one will be left.” (Mt 24: 37 - ). A very vivid description of the Rapture. The sudden beginning of the Tribulation to follow. Dictatorships and leaders that are just concerned about themselves will face the evil they promoted and taste the power of God’s justice.
Ralph B. Hathaway