To know Your name, is not enough; to know Your heart, is an invitation; to feel your presence, is my comfort; to be with You; is my life’s work!
For I go on endlessly filling in the unfinished melodies, of my life. For the voice of the spirit continues to probe me, to nourish me. For I am but a novice in these works, but indeed, I have heard Your voice, like thundering mountains, shaking me, from my spiritual sleep. This earthly life is not mine, but is only floating temptations through materialistic forests, which cloud the way, to spiritual eternity. For in the depths of my soul, are images and reverence of Your presence. In this stillness of compassion, Your tears cleanse my inequities – to grace me – to embrace me – to experience the dwelling of You, in me. For I have given many thoughts to many things – but the thought of Your nearness is a sparkling desire to consume all that You are. For it is You who surrendered all, on the cross – it is for me, to surrender all, that I am! For in my soul are avenues, of surrender. For each avenue surrenders a different part, a different function. For it is in this surrender, You hold my heart hostage – but how so beautiful, so gentle, so beautiful is Your touch. Surrounded by Your compassion – this glittering pulsation of love, radiates a peacefulness and calmness, to my inter-spirit. For You are always, only, a breath away – more so; You are always only, a breath to closeness. For in my thoughts, I think of You, and feel your spirit, mellowing my path, into Your presence. Without You; I am but a weed in a flower garden. With You; I am a flower, amongst the weeds. For when You call me from this earth; how will You find me? For like the flowers in thefield, many have the same faces – the same names. How will You know it is I, and not some impostor, with the same likeness? For You shall call me, and know me by the face, of my soul. For the diary of my soul, is unique, and carries my life’s work and deeds. For no one else carries a duplicate – no where! For this, above all else, is what stands out and no one, shall take my place. For each page of my spiritual diary dignifies my journey to find You, and my longing, to be with You. And when I see You, face to face – what is it I say to You? And of all the questions to be asked, which one is to be the first? For in these very thoughts, I speculate this precious encounter with You. For I shall, fall into Your arms of mercy, and melt, into your presence.
For in this embrace all will be known to me, and my hunger be satisfied. And like a child, I will sit with You, and listen to Your stories, and embrace Your words, like precious emeralds. The child in me will cry no more – the man in me, will be filled with joy and compassion. For the teacher sits before me – the shepherd of my soul, has called me home.
For death is looked upon as so regrettable. But yet – one breath from here – takes you one breath, to there. For the spirit departs from the body, and gently rests into the arms of the Lord. For of this departure is like a feather, floating in the air. So peaceful is the flotation, and the landing so gentle.
For the spirit and soul is overwhelmed in such peace, such a wonderful, wonderful peacefulness. This moment of release is the soul’s struggle of temptation, no more! From darkness to brightness, the soul’s journey is completed. And of this completion goodness has prevailed over evil, and the soul has climaxed into the pristine whiteness, of the Lord’s radiant presence.
For this, is the purpose of one’s life – to search, to journey, to seek and find the Lord, then, come home. For the eternal embrace, and peace with the Lord, is forever!
Robert J. Varrick