The King of Kings
From Above He Arrived
F. From above He did arrive
R. Redeemer of all alive
O. Our Lord and our Savior
M. Man’s true Hope Reviver
A. Announced at birth He was not
B. Born a babe poor without
O. Of a special woman he was born
V. Very much was He both God and man
E. Eternal life given only through Him
H. Heaven is His true home
E. Earth is where He did roam
A. Assisted only by His Father
R. Regarded as the son of a carpenter
R. Riveting were His sermons
I. Interesting parables such challenges
V. Victim eventually though He was
E. Ending death was His because
D. Die He did so all could live that was our Lord’s ultimate arrival cause
JFFIII 4/11/24