How And Why We Must Surrender
Tangling With Depression
Eileen Renders
What causes depression, and are healthy active people likely to be struck down by depression? To address those questions, it is fair to say that some degrees and variables have a definite bearing on answers. For example; the level of activity in one’s life may affect the degree and, or the longevity of one’s depression. Another influence on one’s ability to recover from depression could be one’s age. The stability of one’s faith can also be critical in the recovery of depression, especially when it is tied to the trust and hope that is part of our stability. When there is a neurological issue that requires addressing it is wise to visit a Specialist. Our Creator does not want us to suffer, He is loving and merciful.
It is comforting to be reminded that pharmacologists, scientists, and medical doctors may have been led by God to pursue their careers in wanting to serve God by helping others.
Therefore, although each of us is individually different from one another, in our lifestyle, age, and degree of faith, the life we live by ensuring our health, our lifestyle, and our activity, or community involvement is all critical to one’s recovery of most aspects of our psychological and physiological ability to rebound after a setback.
While many individuals have not expressed, or practiced faith in their lives, they may have taken care to include sound nutrition as their primary concern for themselves. This does not in any way assume that they have also included a healthy consistent activity in their lives as well. Also, what might occur in the same situation for seniors who may be unable to participate in a consistent healthy exercise program? We have not even presented the idea of genetics which can also play a major role in determining a role in one’s longevity.
It turns out that this simple single question presented at the beginning of this writing has turned into a quagmire of variables that must address each sect of people separately with different solutions.
To keep it simple, I offer a reflection from a retired Nutritionist, Health research writer, and author who is a senior; healthy seniors might consider part-time work, pursuing their hobbies, or taking up some charitable volunteer work. Others, who may be older seniors with limited abilities might decide upon senior group travel events, church activities, focusing on health and we all could use more God in our lives regardless of religious beliefs. When we give God the time and love He deserves, He always gives back. It may not always be what we want from Him, however, He knows best what we need.