Jesus overcomes all struggles
I firmly believe that today's evangelization is primarily to be held by the youths. Although this responsibility is entrusted to every person, I see the youths can be very effective to evangelize.
I feel that as Catholics we need to trust more the young people to do evangelisation work, give them the challenge, give them the courage, and send them out to every corner of the world.
I have experienced this in my life and spent six years doing evangelization work with the International Catholic Programme for Evangelisation (ICPE). God gave me the grace to visit different countries and having the opportunity to spread the Gospel.
Today I evangelize in a different way!!!
I visit different countries through my website by the name of 'Peace and unity in our lives' with the address as
The aim of this site is to provide inspiration and encouragement for life, and hope that this small contribution of mine will provide an opportunity for people including youths and children around the globe to find courage in their life, by trusting God to be more present in their life.
So visit this website and be part of evangelization.
Together we can change the World.