Can someone be blessed by the devil?
Every so often I like to ask myself some difficult questions. Then I answer them to myself. Then I think about my answers and wonder if I answered them correctly.
OK ... do you want to play? Let's share these questions that come to mind every now and then.
If you were to die today are you sure, 100%, that you will go to Heaven?
Why? Why are you sure, or not sure?
If you are sure you'll get to Heaven what makes you so certain? Don't come up with stock phrases like "because God loves me, Jesus died for me, because I am a good Christian" and so on. If God asks you, and He might, "Why do you want to come into Heaven?" what will you tell Him? No fibbing now; He knows what's on your mind, "Why do you want to come into Heaven?"
Difficult questions don't you think? Why do we want to go to Heaven? Is it because we're afraid of the other place? Saying that "we love God and Jesus" are superfluous meaningless answers.
Is loving God and Jesus in itself enough to get us into Heaven?
Or should we do something else? How can we be good Christians? Is it by what we do? By good works?
Let's face it. There is nothing we can do that God needs from us. He will not be found wanting or lacking in any way if we do not do certain things. He is omnipotent, has always been in existence as a spirit, and all knowing Creator. He does not need anything from us. No amount of prayers, lit candles, flowers, good works or anything else will make Him greater, better, richer, happier than what He already is. He does not need us in that sense of us giving Him something in order to enter Heaven.
Good works will not earn us brownie points and a star to get us in Heaven. But ... and this bit is important ... if we are to live like Christ and to follow His example then we will do good works. Just like He did. Every time He met someone in need He stopped and treated that individual as an important person and spent time with him and responded to his needs.
Can we honestly say we do the same every time? Every time? How about that person you met the other day and did nothing to help?
See the subtle difference? Good works will not make us enter Heaven; but if we are to copy Christ's examples we will do good works. That's what will differentiate us between the sheep and the goats when Christ judges us.
And of course we need Faith. We need to believe because we believe in honest (best we can manage) Faith; not because we're afraid of going to the other place.
Heaven is open for everyone. But no one goes to Heaven against their will. No one is forced there.
As for the other place, God does not send people there. They choose to go there by their behaviour, attitude, stubbornness, defiance and enmity of God.
So there you have it. Difficult questions. Why should I be the only one struggling with them? Help me out with some answers because I think being a Christian is very difficult.
Do you find being a Christian easy going?