The Ten Commandments ~ A New Way Of Interpretation
Is The Soul Recognizable?
Eileen Renders April 2024
Is the soul invisible? If it is, then surely only God could recognize our souls. So, this question might be important to only you and me. For should we die in the state of grace and are only reunited with our bodies when Christ comes again, only our souls arise into heaven until reunited with our bodies. This being the truth as it has been told and written, surely then, our souls will be recognizable to all our family and friends who have gone before us.
How will we be recognizable to one another deserves some consideration. My opinion is based on the fact that there have been many spiritual and miraculous apparitions throughout the ages, they have mostly been described as visions of God, or His Blessed Mother in the cloud-like form of beings that were distinguishable, yet almost see-through. Children could liken that type of vision to Casper the friendly ghost.
Seeing God in the flesh as He is in the beatific vision as described by Thomas Aquinas was defined as the human being’s “final end” in which one attains to perfect happiness. We have been told that our eyes would be unable to view God as He is because it would be too much glory and light for our eyes to behold.
In heaven, as we await God’s final return to earth, and before we are reunited with our earthly bodies that are being purified, I believe that we have a sort of recognizable form that is without flesh and blood. After Christ’s finale to earth returns and Satan is cast into hell forever, only then will the Final Judgement take place. Those who have lived faithfully to God’s Commandments and are in a state of grace will be taken up to heaven. Those souls in heaven awaiting their bodies will be reunited with their bodies once again. Those who lived a violent, unholy life and belong to Satan will be sentenced to hell forever with Satan.
Much of this information is contained within the pages of the Catholic bible, and some of it is not very clear. However, I believe we all feel that the end result of our destiny is very similar to what is outlined in this article. Since there is no relevance placed on time when we are in heaven, it really doesn’t matter how long it takes.