Jesus is Crucified and Dies for our Sins - a meditation on the fifth Sorrowful Mystery of the Rosary
Crowning of Mary as Queen of Heaven
Meditation on the Fifth Glorious Mystery of the Rosary
Oh heavenly Queen,
mother of Our Lord,
you who, full of God’s grace,
cooperated with Our Lord,
as together, you helped redeem our first mother, Eve,
of her weakness in the face of Satan’s temptation.
By the power of God,
you now marshal all the forces
of St. Michael and the heavenly host.
Placing your heel upon the head of the serpent,
you crush his evil power
with the power of God’s love and mercy.
Our God, who reigns supreme
in all of heaven and on earth for all eternity.
Oh heavenly Queen, plead, we pray,
for our Lord’s mercy and blessing
upon our church,
upon your Son’s Bride here on earth.
Bless us, that we may be awake and alert to
His coming again in glory and in victory.
Pray we recall Our Father’s command to Moses,
as He said,
“Write this as a reminder in a book
and recite it in the hearing of Joshua:
I will utterly blot out the
remembrance of Amalek from under heaven.”
(NSRV: Exodus 17:14)
Yet, pray we also ponder Moses’ response, as he
…built an altar and called it,
The LORD is my banner. He said,
“A hand upon the banner of the LORD!
The LORD will have war with Amalek
from generation to generation.”
(NSRV: Exodus 17:15-16)
Pray, oh heavenly Queen,
that we, who are baptized in the Holy Spirit,
who love your son, our Savior, Jesus Christ,
pray that we are called —
like Aaron and Hur,
each holding up an arm of Moses,
as he prayed constantly for Israel
in their battle with the Amalek —
pray we support and strengthen with our prayers,
all those who are called to battle,
along side St. Michael Archangel
and all of the heavenly host.
If it is Your time soon to return, Oh Lord —
When it is Your time to return in victory —
Pray with the force of God’s love and mercy
and with His mighty arm,
that we are prepared to act with Israel
in defeating the Amalek of our time.
Prepared to cooperate with You to defeat and
to blot out all remembrance of them for all time.
And as You come in triumph at the end of time,
pray our lamps are full, our wicks trimmed,
that we might light Your Way.
As Our Groom approaches for the great wedding feast,
pray the blood of the lamb has purified us,
and washed us clean.
Pray, prepare us and make us worthy
to enter with You, Oh Jesus,
into God’s heavenly kingdom.