What Do You Want
The True Bread
You Jesus are the true Bread the true Food
From our Heavenly Father oh so good
It is in the Eucharist that we receive
Your true Blood and Body that we believe
That without which we will not obtain
That special reward offered to live with You eternally in Heaven
Yes we have daily earthen bread to eat
Like the manna You gave to the Israelites in the desert on which to feast
So easy was it for them to obtain
no need to exert no effort no pain
But that only sustained them physically
What You now offer feeds us spiritually
Let me please receive you in this Bread of Life
Let me always remember that without it I will receive an eternity of strife
For You are truly O Lord Jesus
The Bread of Life Eternal
For on that Cross you died for us
So that our life could be meaningful
Provided we always trust in You and believe
That in all trouble and anxiety it is to You we must and can always cleave
JFFIII 4/16/24