What Drives You?
Eileen Renders April 2024
Needless to say, as young adults we are all pretty much motivated in ways that will provide some security for our future, including investigating those faraway places that intrigue us, and leave ample time for continuing education, friends, and hobbies. As young adults our energy is mostly likely at its highest. With so many thoughts of personal goals, there is often little time for the rest our bodies require.
Our priorities are often quite different as younger individuals in many ways. Looking back as more mature individuals we might note that most of our motives were self-centered. Sadly, we may have placed Jesus lower on our list of priorities, as though there would be time enough for Him when we are settled in with our lives, have more time on our hands, or possibly experiencing defeats, losses, or health issues. That sort of attitude is much like saying; “When I need Him, I will go to Him.” Sadly, this example is passed down to our children.
Realizing our preoccupation with ourselves requires a lot of making up for lost time and reconciliation with our Lord and Master, God! We may begin to feel remorseful, and this is a sign of acknowledgment to God of our sorrow, and He deserves our apologies. He is so loving that it is never too late to realize the error of our ways, and with our sincerity and focus on Him, we can be forgiven.
In those quiet times when we are alone with our thoughts, we may be reliving the blessed times we spent with a good friend, or even a parent we have lost through an illness. All of which, reminds us that we have already lived a good portion of our own lives and that we can only count on one day at a time. In delving into the dark depths of death, perhaps a chapter of our lives that we avoided believing it was so far into the future that there was no sense in being morbid.
Sadly, however, we all see young people dying as well as older folks. Truthfully, death is not a pleasant thought for any of us because it requires us to give up our comfortable homes, our loved ones, and all of our treasured memories and contacts. We may wonder; “What is really in the beyond, on the other side?” This is especially true for those who are a bit late in contemplating the idea of how they need and want the comfort and love of God.
Again, this realization in itself is a first step toward getting closer to our Creator. We can still get down on our knees and sincerely apologize for lost time. More importantly, we must prove our sincerity in making Him our priority in life through prayer, meditation, frequenting the sacraments, and living to serve only Him by following His Commandments and being a good example to all whom you come in contact with.