Our Soul: An Imitation of God!
When Excitement means more than flashing lights and noise from Fireworks!
We often think that after a long week of drudgery from work that a night at the ball game and the fireworks that follow will help relax us since a fantasy world opens up for us. There are many opportunities to get away from the occasional day in and day out of being responsible in life. Sometimes they come in packages of sailing on a lake, climbing a mountain, or a day of golfing with friends. The one positive scenario that can enrich us does not appear with boats, climbing boots, or a golf cart with numerous clubs to hit that ball. The better means of finding joy can only be found in a time away with Almighty God. That can be a spiritual retreat, a revival meeting that few ever attend anymore, or just a quiet time in contemplative prayer.
Now, many will exclaim, “where are the fireworks that will excite me, of the view of the Grand Canyon that frightens anyone who ventures too close to the safety fences around the top of this wonder?”
No, this is not the manner to get high when you take a few moments with God, alone. Being contemplative is not a boring manner of sitting and trying to ascertain a few words that you want God to hear. It is a period similar to what Moses experienced on Mount Horeb, the mountain of God. Although God did not speak verbally he allowed his voice of eternity to open the heart of Moses with his mission as an evangelizer that continued the work started with Abraham, Issac, and Jacob (Israel). (Ex 3: 4 -15).
If for a moment anyone places this type of communicating with God as boring or non-essential, take this reality of being with the Lord and finding your place in eternity is now in its initial pronouncement of your mission in evangelizing his kingdom. If you believe that this is not for you, find a burning bush that is not consumed; that will be a challenge without a script clearly written before you accept the next step. This is what ministry involves, an unclear manner to accomplish what your contract will demand of you. If you already are in holy orders and nothing seems to be exciting, wait! God will send an email via life’s hidden computer; a stranger sometimes with a message that only you can complete in his time. If you are not clergy, wait. Your call is also on its way. I lived both segments of the call and each one allowed my excitement to energize my psyche without fireworks or climbing mountains. But each step in my ministry for over 60 years (lay apostolate in Holy Name, St. Vincent De Paul, and Community Ministry of my home town, and finally the ordained diaconate) ministry). And God has led me as Moses was, communicating through my heart that led me to do his will.
He uses this type of communicating his desire for each of us when we let him do the speaking. Do you want excitement like no earthly surroundings, try God, and he’ll answer you in ways that you never expected. In fact, he is waiting for you, and you, to answer the quiet call if you’ll only open your heart to the knocking of Christ.
The call is real, and in a world of confusion towards our faith being attacked, the one sure way to save many souls will be when you, and you, answer the burning bush in your moment of faith.
Ralph B. Hathaway