Are you jumping and praising God?
Do you remember in the Book of Exodus, the story about the grumbling Israelites in the desert? (Exodus, 15)
They were upset because they had followed Moses into the desert, only to find themselves in bad circumstances, hungry and feeling like they had journeyed to their death.
When Moses turned to God about their situation, God promised to send them ("rain down") bread from heaven, which came in the form of manna.
If you jump ahead today to the Gospel of John (Chapter 6), Jesus is telling everyone that HE is the Bread of Life "come down from heaven."
Do you see the connection between the Old Testament (manna) and the New Testament (Jesus)?
The manna that the Israelites received would satisfy their hunger temporarily, but Jesus is more than that--if you eat his Body, you will live forever.
These scripture passages are Eucharistic, revealing a great deal about who Jesus is and why he was sent by the Father. During this Easter season, we have some rich readings that help us delve deeply into the mystery of Jesus and the Eucharist.
It is a lot to take in, but so worth it.
I hope you are enjoying this joyful season of the resurrection.
Janet Cassidy
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