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This is my gift to you
The greatest gift of all
There is nothing you need to do
It’s for everyone the big and small
I died for you to receive
But you must truly believe
With hope and trust
And faith to move mountains you must
That which I offer
Is worth more than all your tender
It is life forever with Me
In Heaven for all eternity
Eat My Body which I’ve given
Drink My Blood and know that I’ve arisen
Believe what this is truly
And saved will you be eternally
For I died so you would never
Death I put an end to forever
But where you will live the rest of your life
Depends on whether you love all or cause strife
Eternal life is the gift I give
With it forever now all will live
Belief in Me gains you Heaven
If not will you end up in Hell’s fury with the Demon
Your choice it is
This is real not show biz
Choose rightly
For it is yours without change for eternity
JFFIII 4/19/24