Apologist Releases Book to Help Discouraged Catholics
The springtime brings about new life, journeys, and beginnings. It is no different when seniors are preparing for the biggest achievement of their lives… graduation day.
Upon receiving their diploma or degree, many will navigate the uncertainty of where to go next.
Here is an open letter to a soon to be graduate.
Dear Graduate,
Today is the day. It is a day of celebrating the hard work you put into obtaining that diploma, degree, scholarships, and even earning the title of doctor or lawyer in that respected field. You’ve put in much blood, sweat, tears, and all-nighters to get what needs to be done.
Sure, you may have cum laude attached to your name on that diploma or degree. Then, you may not have. What matters most is not your name, degree, and where it was obtained. What matters the most is what you do in life.
This brings me to some wisdom of the saints that will guide you as you navigate life’s journey and in time to your ultimate destination after this mortal life… heaven.
Mother Teresa once said, “We are called upon not to be successful, but to be faithful," She reminds us that all those degrees are not worth the journey that you will continue until you leave this earth. What matters is how you plan to be faithful to God now. He wants you to receive the sacraments, go to Mass every Sunday and every day that is given to you, teach your children about him, raise your children to strive for what is higher and that is heaven.
Sometimes, you will forget who you are in life. St. Francis De Sales would remind you, “Be who you are and be that well as a witness to the master craftsman who created you.” This life expects you to be a duplicate of someone. The culture expects you to be this or that. Remember that God placed in you your vocation the moment he created you in your mother’s womb, your calling in this life. He calls you to be an original. Farr too often, we have copycats. Being a copycat will not get you very far.
It is easy to have anxiety about the future, yet you must remember that you must live in the present moment. Saint Padre Pio said, “Lord, I leave the past in Your mercy, the future in Your providential care, and the present moment in Your Love.” God has and will always be with you now and forever. All that you must do is place your trust in him.
What you can do now is make disciples. Live out your vocation in life and that is to strive to be a saint. You don’t need a degree to do that. All you need is your faithful witness that is willing to be shared with others.
Go forth and onward. Soldier on with the faith. Never lose faith.