The Forecast From Heaven: Rains of Grace
Spring has sprung upon us. Springtime is a season of new blossoms and newfound vitality. The earth shifts out of its cold and barren winter into its sweet and resplendent spring. Our clocks spring forward, and our closets could use a pruning. Spring cleaning, shouldn’t be just for our closet, but also for our mind. Since spring is a season of renewal and newness, we have an opportunity to not only declutter our physical space but our interior space as well. I invite you to sit with yourself this spring and think of what you may need to declutter and “spring clean” from your mind. Let’s think of our mind as a closet.
Our many thoughts are like the various clothes we have hung up. Some thoughts we like more than others, just like how we tend to have favorite items in our closet. What thoughts do you need to rid from the closet of your mind? What thoughts are cluttering your mind preventing space for new thoughts to take root?
The goal of spring cleaning is to rid out that which no longer serves us, to make room for items that do. In spring cleaning our minds, we root out thoughts that no longer serve us, to make space for new ideas, and new positive thoughts to inhabit the newfound space. I encourage you to work on “cleaning out” any cluttering thoughts that no longer serve you, and make space this spring for fresh blossoms of sweet happy thoughts to take place in the closet of your mind.
Some ideas on thoughts to “spring clean” out of your mind.
- Any thoughts that don’t serve your highest good.
Get rid of thoughts like :
“I can never achieve this.”
“I will never be able to do x y z”
- Any thoughts of fixation in the past
Get rid of thoughts like :
“My life will never be as good as it was then.”
“I wish I could go back in time.”
- Any thoughts that speak of yourself negatively.
Get rid of thoughts like :
“ I am terrible at doing this.”
“ I am so stupid.”
Now that you’ve cleaned these thoughts out of your mind, you have space to add new thoughts.
Some ideas of new thoughts to add to your mind :
- Thoughts that serve your highest good.
Add thoughts like :
“I can achieve anything I set my mind too.”
“ I can do anything when I put my best foot forward.”
- Thoughts that are present.
Add thoughts like :
“I am grateful for this present moment.”
“ I will make the best of this moment that I have been given.”
- Thoughts that speak to yourself positively.
Add Thoughts Like :
“ I will try my best, and be satisfied in knowing I did my best.”
“ My worthiness is not determined by the outcome of situations.”
Congratulations, you’ve just spring-cleaned your mind! Now, let’s try and maintain this newfound “closet of your mind” all year long! Remember this helpful habit when spring rolls around each year. When you begin spring cleaning your closet, don’t forget to also spring clean your mind! Healthy thoughts make for healthy habits, and healthy habits make for a healthy life. Not just during springtime, but all year long.