The power of God
How good of a God we have! He not only provides us with Himself, but two others to love and protect us. Thus making so great a God that we just cannot deny Him our love and our worship.
When I see a crucifix with our Jesus hanging there, I cannot help but see our God Himself and the Holy Spirit all united. When I contemplate the fact that it truly is God Himself hanging there, my heart swells with love even more deeper and stronger.
There He is. The God who created us. In such agony and sorrow because of my sins. I ask myself, "Would I be able to go through what He did?" I would hope so, but I still doubt myself. I'd be awful scared. My trust needs a lot of work. I want to be fearless like the martyrs, surrendering like the Saints, contented in the Holy arms of Mary. I want to depend on them. The Blessed Trinity. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. In all ways, in all things. in all Truth. I want to honor and glorify our awesome God in surrender to all Three. Loving their protection and inspirations.To be guided in this path of thorns and sorrows. In this joyful and fulfilling life that He gave me. Not just say it, but do it.
Our all knowledgeable God has all the remedies and help we need to achieve the glories of Heaven.
Come O. God! Save oh Jesus! Inspire and protect us oh Holy Spirit! Blessed Trinity, remain with us forever. As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be.