A Letter to the American Clergy Concerning President Biden
Dearly Beloved in Christ,
Every liturgical year for those of us of the Catholic Church, there is a specific Sunday called Good Shepherd Sunday. This is a short reflection from a Catholic layperson on Christ the Good Shepherd.
I remember hearing about how 2,000 years ago when shepherds during the time would have fields and fences, but not a gate. At night, they would lay their lives down to be the gate to guard the entrance between the sheep so that the ravenous wolves who wanted to harm the sheep could not get in.
Brothers and Sisters, Jesus Christ has done the same and continues to do the same. He laid down His life for His sheep at Calvary and He continues to lay down His life for His sheep. He does this so the ravenous wolves, the enemies of the Cross, will not get in and violently tear apart the sheep.
Scripture tells us that Our Lord is the Good Shepherd of these sheep (John 10:11), but He has more sheep who are not of this fold. He eagerly waits for them to hear His voice and come into the fold. So that they might be one-fold with one shepherd (John 10:16).
He is the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for each of us! He is the Bishop of Souls (1 Peter 2:25) and He is calling us to be His. He is the gate that leads to eternal life.
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, let us turn toward the Good Shepherd and trust in Him. Trust Him knowing that He will never let the wolves hurt us and lead us astray but will always protect us and lead us to our heavenly home.
Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, Watch Over and Protect Us.
In Christ the Good Shepherd,
Lawrence T. Westfall