Be Perfect
A Switch
A switch will turn on the light
And expose all the good and the blight
For there are those who love to see
And those who prefer in darkness to be
The Light of the World He came not to condemn
But to love all especially them
They who in darkness choose to reside
They will be judged by the world in which they ride
He Who is Pure Hope offers only happiness
His realm is for all who behave and are not amiss
His Light does not just illuminate
It offers His Hope and His Love for these do radiate
A switch can too expel all light away
Do not heed My Father’s word and dearly will you pay
Forgiveness I do offer for those who ask and want
Choose not and I will no longer listen to your rant
The switch will finally one day be turned off
For those who do not heed but only scoff
JFFIII 4/24/24