In conquering Sin, We Create A Temple For The Lord
We Are Saved One Day At A Time
Eileen Renders April 2024
We all are aware that our Lord and Savior, our Creator, Jesus Christ died on the Cross to save us from our sins. Yet many times, I have heard people say; “I am saved, Christ died on the cross for our sins.” This phrase seems to be a bit deficient from reality as it seems to indicate that one believes he, or she is going directly to heaven when they die because Christ died on the Cross for our sins, and to save us.
If we believe this we may be missing the true meaning of Jesus’ sacrifice. God sent His only son to earth to eventually be crucified to save His people from hell. We were all born with original sin, except the chosen mother of Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary who was born without sin, and who conceived Jesus Christ in her womb through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Through Jesus Christ our sins were removed and forgiven, however, that does not mean that any, or all of our future sins are automatically forgiven. This is why Jesus created the sacraments of Reconciliation, Matrimony, Holy Communion, Baptism, and Extreme Unction, or the Last Rites. Should we die in sin, we will all be judged, some will go to Purgatory for a cleansing of the soul, others who die in the state of grace may go right to heaven and those unfortunate who did not frequent the sacraments, express sorrow to God and seek forgiveness in the Confessional may go to hell.
God is our Creator, our Savior, and our ultimate judge. How do we best live our lives? We have learned by example from the saints that living our lives through loving Christ, serving Christ, and following His Ten Commandments is the best way to find God’s mercy in the final hour. Though we live our lives following Jesus, none of us could ever be worthy of gaining entrance card blanche into heaven as that occurs only through the love and mercy of God.