Boredom And Dissatisfaction
In Conquering Sin, We Create A Temple for The Lord
Eileen Renders April 29, 2024
In contemplating the subject matter of this article’s title, it may sound like one of those suggestions whereby many may respond by saying or thinking; “Easier said than done.” However, determined in our efforts in many areas of our lives. For example; we have learned how to be steadfast in pursuing that perfect job for ourselves, we have learned how to practice good nutrition along with regular exercise to become healthier, we have been patient and focused in finding that mate that is right for us, and compliments who we are.
Why then, are we often losing the battle against sin? Time and again, committing the same repetitive sins! God Himself, is relentless in His effort to pursue us and bring us closer to Him. As Catholics, we practice Reconciliation, receive the body and blood of Christ, and then we leave the church to go out and once again give in to the act of sin.
As we learned as a child before making our first sacraments, for an act to be a sin, we must think about this sin, realize that it is a sin (and hurts God), and then commit that sin regardless of the consequences. Possibly some of us go to the sacrament of Reconciliation without sincerity, or thinking to ourselves; “I will try not to do that again.” This type of thinking truly sets us up for failure. It comforts us and allows us to sin because subliminally we are telling ourselves that it is too difficult to resist sin as we are only human.
In reflection, we may realize that unlike securing a position at work or finding the right mate through determination, or patience, relinquishing Satan’s hold on us requires more from us. We need to spend more time with Him in silence thinking about how we have hurt Him time and again. Knowing how we are letting down our creator who loves us will soon create empathy and appreciation, and our love for Him will grow. So much so that we become fighters against sin for the love of God comes first in our lives.
Remaining dedicated to understanding how we hurt Christ daily through sin and spending more time with Him will help us grow in our love for Him, and Christ will grace us with the fortitude to resist sin. When we commit to a lifetime partner in Marriage, we never want to be hurt or hurt them through the sin of adultery. Why then do we stray from Christ and give in to Satan? The more we resist sin, the more graces and blessings God bestows upon us. We must commit to Him first in our daily lives. A promise, to relinquish weak thoughts such as “I will try not to sin again.