Natural Order
The Resurrected Body – Part 2
Submitted by Thomas Stidl
Continuing on the idea of part one, what other characteristics can we see in the risen humanity of Jesus Christ? If we look at the appearance of Jesus to his apostles, He had a real physical body with flesh and bones. He ate a piece of fish while in the company of the apostles. I would guess that after three days in the tomb along with nothing to eat on the day of his execution that the Lord might be a little hungry.
After his resurrection Jesus also assumed a spiritual body that was made manifest in his physical body. As stated in a previous article, Jesus was not confined to our three dimensional world. His physical body became multi dimensional not bound by time or space. This is our future also. When our souls leave our bodies at death we also assume a spiritual body. Jesus could appear in the Upper Room with all the doors locked and windows closed. He could appear as a gardener near his tomb to reawaken the faith of Mary Magdalene. Jesus also appeared as a fellow traveler on the road to Emmaus. The two gloomy disciples did not recognize Him until they were seated at supper, and He broke bread with them. Even the explanation of all the scriptures to them did not make them recognize Jesus.
Now, what has all this scripture have to do with us? It is the promise of our future lives in eternity. We human beings will also become multidimensional. We will be able to travel throughout the universe with ease. Time travel might also be a possibility, though who would want to go back in time to sin and moral depravity. Imagine traveling to far-off places and planets without using a travel agent, packing a suitcase, or going to an airport or train station. You will think where you want to be and be there instantly.
That was just a few of the things in our future. For those who overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil, the possibilities are endless. We must learn self-control of our bodies and minds so we can take full advantage of our resurrected bodies. This is what is meant by Jesus raising our mortal bodies and making them like his own in glory.
In part three, I will try to illustrate the crowns some of us will receive at the final judgment.
Until next time, Laus Tibi, Christe. Deo Gratias. Gloria Tibi Domini. Praise be to God. See you in Paradise. Amen.