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Salvific Satisfaction: When Shall we become Righteous in it?
To become righteous in a spiritual manner consists of two things. First, we must be right with God in the very adherence of our acceptance of his mercy. Becoming righteous in the eyes of God is not a matter of counting the good things we do so as to make points. If that is what anyone accomplishes in order to go right to the front of the line, forget it. We are not in a classroom environment where correct answers determine your final grade. It takes a little more than academic prowess to receive God’s grace. In fact it takes nothing on our part beyond accepting the very depth of a love that cannot be emulated. Creation is a one-time event that is God’s complete desire and he only seeks our yes to his open invitation to just return our love as small as it is.
Finding righteousness in a world filled with contempt towards the very essence of a loving and forgiving Creator who only wanted creatures that could answer by simply saying yes to his desire to comfort us has become a proud attitude that parallels Satan’s contentious attitude towards God.
If man would not have gone the way of the devil’s temptation, the word salvation would not have become a reality. However, as in the Exultet sung at the Easter Vigil that proclaims “O happy fault that earned so great, so glorious a Redeemer” Without that fault of man, we never would have had Christ, the second person of the Holy Trinity, to come and redeem us from eternal death. So, we already see the dichotomy of grace fighting for the reality of salvation which is our gift from God to satisfy our need to find forgiveness. This salvific reality is handed to humanity without any trials or exams to please God.
Secondly, righteousness is the very essence of being in the graces of Almighty God just like the angels who have never used their free will to try and become better than God, (Except as Satan and his followers did). This gift of free will is perhaps the greatest treasure God handed to mankind. As mentioned in other articles, God wanted his greatest creation to come to him on their very own initiative, and not through an exam of being better than anyone else or making it to the top of the class. Each of us has been given a goal that supersedes any other prize conceived by man to find something already created by God; eternal existence with the very creator who is love himself.
Therefore, Salvific Salvation, a term that means a completion of following God’s direction of becoming humble enough to say; “Yes Lord, I am yours from the very inception of my humanity to the grace that awaits me here and in eternity.” Through your only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, who went to the Cross to save me has handed my sinfulness over to be burned away through his Sacred Blood shed for my sins.
Ralph B. Hathaway