VOICE OF THY HOLY CROSS (The spoken words)
+ There are THREE persons in the Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
+ God made man in His own image. Man has THIRTY-THREE vertebrae in his spine.
+ Man has THIRTY-THREE joints in each foot.
+ When baby Jesus was born, the THREE Magi came to bring him gifts.
+ In his youth, Jesus was lost for THREE days and was found in the temple.
+ Jesus preached for THREE years in his ministry.
+ There are THREE parables of God’s mercy: the Lost Sheep, the Lost Drachma, and the Lost Son and the Dutiful Son (The Prodigal).
+ When Jesus went to pray in the desert, he was tempted by the devil THREE times.
+ Jesus spoke THREE times about the prophecy of the passion and His death: around the villages of Caesarea Philippi, on the way to Galilee, and on the road to Jerusalem.
+ During the agony in the garden, Jesus went to pray THREE times while his THREE friends, Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, slept.
+ Jesus was denounced THREE times by Peter.
+ Judas betrayed Jesus for THIRTY pieces of silver.
+ Jesus was unjustly judged by THREE judges.
+ THREE guards watched over Jesus.
+ Pilate asked the angry crowd THREE times what should he do with Jesus.
+ Jesus, carrying the cross, falls THREE times.
+ Jesus was nailed to the cross in THREE places.
+ There were THREE crosses on Calvary.
+ There were THREE Mary’s at the foot of the cross: Mary, the Mother of Jesus; Mary Magdalene; and Mary, the wife of Clopas.
+ Jesus suffered on the cross for THREE hours.
+ Jesus died on the cross at THREE o’clock.
+ Jesus died at the age of THIRTY-THREE.
+ Jesus was in the tomb for THREE days.
+ Jesus rose on the THIRD day.
+ There were THREE Mary’s at the tomb of Jesus:
Mary Magdalene; Mary of Clopas; Mary Salome.
+ After the Resurrection, Jesus met Simon Peter on the road and asked him THREE times, “Do you love me?” (this was the THIRD appearance of Jesus)
+ At the transfiguration, the THREE favored disciples --Peter, James, and John -- witnessed the conversation of these THREE personages:: Jesus, Moses, and Elijah.
+ There are THREE sons of Noah: Shem, Ham, and Japet.
+ Saul -- converted to Paul -- is blind for THREE days.
+ There are THREE theological virtues: faith, hope, and love.
+ There are THREE elements to a person: body, soul, and spirit.
+ There are THREE elements of faith: knowledge, assent, and confidence.
+ There are THREE evangelical counsels: poverty, chastity, and obedience.
+ There are THREE notable duties: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving