"A Lost Generation"
How soon will the evil Intent of Satan Empty his atrocities on humanity?
Let’s begin by asking this next startling question: How quick the contents of evil are enveloping our democracy beginning at the White House? Is it really happening now?
This past Easter Sunday, President Biden proclaimed to dedicate this day, March 31, as “International Transgender Day of Visibility” (its 15t anniversary). Bad enough that he promoted this satanic celebration on Easter Sunday, the day Christ rose from the tomb guaranteeing our own resurrection if we follow Christ with faith and trust in God’s plan to call all of us home, but in addition the annual egg-roll event for children on Easter has another satanic suggestion. He said Ensure that nothing on the eggs resembles Christ or anything religious. Catholic?
I have alluded to this president as an attack on the Catholic Church (by receiving the Holy Eucharist and being in favor of abortions) while smiling after attending Mass. Of course, God always forgives our sins; but for Biden and Pelosi to be Roman Catholics and standing up for the murder of unborn citizens of heaven by their antagonistic attitudes towards life, the example to people who may be weak in their own attention to Right to Life sends a message that was performed centuries ago.
November 5, 2024, will be the day to elect the next President of the United States. Some may say that abortion is not the only reason to vote. The economy is slipping and people cannot afford the manner the Democrats control our laws of freedoms to be demolished. They, along with their mentally deficient leader, are siding with our enemies, like Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and by Hamas in Israel.
What is becoming an atrocity is the silence in some churches or by some prelates to stand up against the political leaders that are wolves in sheeps clothing. We are at a crossroads of morality where too many people in the pews are being treated as puppets when the truth of what is occurring in Washington and Rome, simultaneously.
It is time for you and I to stand up for righteousness and take up the banner that reads “Christ is God who died and rose for those who believe.” Our belief lies deep within the Trust in our God and we dare not allow our faith to slip away to the attractions of antichrist affiliations.
Unfortunately, politics has played an integral part in many church policies because, as was told to me when preaching about abortion, we don’t want to rock the boat. My response was to my pastor; “Yes we do” and I continued preaching against it.
I’m afraid our freedoms, our churches, and our own self-respect are going down the road towards perdition which is described as eternal damnation. No matter who you vote for, remember the future of this nation, and the world as well may depend on your choice.
PLease do not stay home on November 5, 2024.
Ralph B. Hathaway.