Christmas is About God's Faithfulness
Remaining in His love and remaining in the Love He desires us to share with others. These are the commands and words of Jesus that are so hard for us to put into practice in our daily lives. We’ve heard them throughout this Easter season. They are so important because they are the essence of where joy comes from.
We have to learn to remain in love if we want to experience the joy God desires for us. The trouble is, we aren’t very good at remaining in love!
If we were good at doing these things, remaining in God’s love and remaining in the love He desires us to have with our family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors, we wouldn’t have many of the struggles we find ourselves facing like the anxieties and interpersonal conflicts of daily life. It’s why so many of us lack joy.
But yet, we want joy. We deeply want it. That’s why so many of us are in therapy, on anti-depressants, and seeking after new life experiences constantly. We’re seekers of joy and happiness. So how do we remain in love to find it?
I think the answer can be found in coming back to God’s love again and again in our thoughts. To do that, remember this anchoring truth: God loves and cares for you deeply in all your strengths, weaknesses, good times, and bad times.
In moments of distraction, come back to God’s love. In moments of anxiety, come back to God’s love. In moments of strife and suffering, come back to God’s love. In moments of weakness and falling short, come back to God’s love. Bring your mind back to God’s love and this anchoring truth.
Remember God’s love in the moment of fear, confusion, anger, bitterness, or sadness. Remember God’s love in all the good, extraordinary, mundane, and even boring moments. Remember the words that God’s love is always present to you, always with you, and always guiding you.
When we remain in that love, it becomes easier to give that love away to everyone we encounter and bear the fruit that God created and chose us us to.
If you learn nothing else in this journey of faith, learn to remain in God’s love because everything else flows from that.