God Feels our Pain
What lies ahead for believers in the Cross at Calvary!
Today I saw the Lord Jesus Christ in my mind and heart. The image that took hold of my senses and hopes became the one entity that only dreams can find their way into my heart. Why do I not see these attributes coming alive during my waking moments? Perhaps the sight of earthly attractions have taken hold of my known understanding regarding God and his gifts of truth through his Son’s Passion for me alone. Maybe in some selfish manner my desire to follow the sensual attitude my lust seems to control me has blotted out the promises that Christ extended to me on the Cross.
And there is a chance that unbelievers have found a pathway into evil that promotes so much doubt regarding God that our faith has become clouded with unbelief. It is in this profundity that we may discover what it is that confounds our pure sense of need that only comes through God.
Where is God in our time of spiritual need? The influx of modern living and philosophies have become the only way to exist in this world of humanistic dreams. And, the results of control by the wrong leaders will definitely lead us down a path to eternal death. That death is pure evil that begins with sensuality to accepted living we are now experiencing.
The new world that lies ahead for those who believe in Christ and the sacrifice he made for us on Calvary is one of holding onto the Way, the Truth, and the Life, who is Christ alone. Remember that if any one of us was the last person on the earth Christ would have still come from heaven to retrieve us by sacrificing himself for our sins. His love is so great that the Cross on Calvary is the completion of that intense mercy that began in eternity before you or I were even considered.
Life with God will not be an institution with rules and levels of advancement. But it will encompass a family atmosphere that knows only love that we expect in large families. There the siblings understand what sharing is all about and what is mine is yours and there will be no selfishness. No human could have done a better job at planning this future environment. What would it have been like if the status of our present life on earth could have resembled exactly what eternity will be like?
In the book of life we shall all be judged. In the love of God we shall all be forgiven. In the rejection of God’s love, those who place themselves outside of him will never experience the mercy of God because they believe they have found an eternity of satisfaction; What a shame for souls who choose hell as their final eternity!
Ralph B.Hathaway