Today's Lifestyle In Comparison To The Days Of Sodom And Gomorrah
Vacillating Our Trust In God
Eileen Renders May 2024
This topic of trusting in God seems to be a topic, not unlike many others where I believe most of us are very similar. An exception I have noticed at times, appears to be those who leave this world as a Saint.
We grow up learning about God, and the three persons in one God. Although we may have a lack of understanding of this fact, we accept it as part of our faith. We grow in our faith and we believe our Creator is and always was. Still, as human beings who are imperfect, we have our fears regarding life and most especially, death.
I am referring most especially to our death and departure from this life and into the next. Often, when things are going well in our lives, we trust in God. He is watching over us. But, when those dark clouds pass over us, such as the loss of a loved one, or we are troubled possibly, about our own health, our trust may become challenged. Some of us may try to bargain with God with prayers such as; “God, please give me more time and I will get it right, I will be a better person.” Our trust in God is critical. We may make promises to God that some will never keep.
It has been written many of us will cry, beg, bargain, and ask God to spare us if, or when we feel our life here on earth may be ending. We all realize that life is a terminal state, we all will note that people pass through this life and often are taken very early on in their lives.
Trust in God is the biggest part of our faith. Believing that we will not die, but be risen as was Jesus and live in heaven for all eternity. Why does our trust vacillate and how can we increase our trust in Christ?
It is my opinion, that our trust wavers in God because we believe that we can remain in control of our life and our destiny. This is true while knowing that God is our creator. Therefore, as I have learned, and will share with you; It is only when we submit to the will of God that we can give up our false sense of security. When we “Let go and Let God” we begin to feel God’s merciful graces flow through us and find that our trust in God is increasing.
In reading stories regarding some of the saints, I marveled at how they prayed for God to take them from this world, not because they were ill, but simply because they longed to be with Him. That is true trust. Simple steps that required a daily focus on Christ.