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SAN ANTONIO — On Thursday, May 2, the Saint John XXIII Foundation hosted its second annual Patrons’ Reception in San Antonio, TX, to honor and recognize those generous faithful who have joined the Foundation in its mission to nourish the faith of Catholics in the Armed Forces and Department of Veteran Affairs Medical Centers by contributing as Patrons.
The evening began with the Celebration of Mass at Saint Mary’s Catholic Church. The Most Reverend Timothy P. Broglio, J.C.D., Archbishop for the Military Services, USA, served as principal celebrant and homilist. Concelebrants included the Most Rev. Gustavo Garcia-Siller, M.Sp.S, Archbishop of San Antonio, the Most Rev. Michael Pfeifer, Bishop Emeritus of San Angelo, the Most Rev. Richard B. Higgins, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA (AMS), and the Rev. Monsignor Anthony R. Frontiero, S.T.D., AMS Vicar General, along with many current and retired Catholic chaplains and local clergy.
Surrounded by the beautiful downtown Riverwalk of San Antonio, the Knights of Columbus opened the Mass with a color corps procession. Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller welcomed those in attendance to San Antonio and offered personal greetings to Archbishop Broglio. In his opening remarks, Archbishop Garcia-Siller noted that, as President of the United States Conference of Catholics Bishops (USCCB), Archbishop Broglio represents all of the Bishops of the United States, and he offered his personal welcome to him.
After Mass, guests walked across the street to the Hotel Valencia Riverwalk for the Patrons’ Reception.
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Mr. John Schlageter, Executive Director of the Saint John XXIII Foundation, kicked off the evening’s program by thanking the local Host committee and the staff from the Archdiocese of San Antonio for their gracious welcome and support. Mr. Schlageter then thanked the Event Sponsors and those who turned out in support of the Foundation.
The Board of Directors then introduced the Resolution of the Board, naming Archbishop Broglio as the “Founding Patron of the Saint John XXIII Foundation”. Mr. Mark Chopko, Corporate Secretary, read the Resolution of the Board to those present. The honor recognizes Archbishop Broglio’s immeasurable impact on the lives of the faithful in the AMS as well as his work in the creation and formation of the Saint John XXIII Foundation.
After expressing his gratitude for the growth of the Foundation, Archbishop Broglio formally accepted the honor. He reflected: “I am deeply grateful to the Board of the Saint John XXIII Foundation for its gesture to bestow the honor of Founding Patron of the Foundation. It is unmerited, but deeply appreciated. As a diplomat I received several honors for various reasons. Sometimes it was sufficient to be in the right place at the right time. This designation, however, touches my heart.”
His Excellency in turn recognized those Patrons in attendance by presenting them with the Patron's medal and thanking them for their generous support. Eighteen faithful men and women were welcomed into the Patrons of the Saint John XXIII Foundation.
Mr. Schlageter closed out the ceremony by announcing that two new funds have been created in conjunction with the reception: The Faith to Forces Permanent Named Endowed Fund, which will allow the Foundation to respond to the most pressing needs of the AMS and its affiliated ministries; and the Father Vincent R. Capodanno Co-Sponsored Seminarian Endowed Scholarship, which will annually underwrite the education and formation of one co-sponsored seminarian in perpetuity.