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May is a time to celebrate mothers. It’s a time for us to honor our mother in a special way. For some, they have been blessed to have amazing mothers. For others, perhaps they were raised without a mother or by an abusive or neglectful mother. There is one mother who is the ideal mother for all of us. Do not let Mother’s Day pass you by without honoring The Blessed Mother. There are a few simple ways we can all honor Mary on Mother’s Day.
1.) As for Mary’s intercession: There is nothing greater you can do for the Blessed Mother than to seek her intercession. She loves you. She waits to intercede for you and your intentions. There are a few ways you can seek Mary’s intercession. Pray the rosary on Mother’s Day. Spend some time in prayer with Mary. Time is the most precious gift we can give anyone. That includes the Blessed Mother.
2.) Plant a flower: Flowers have always been a fantastic way to honor our mothers and that includes Mary. If you have a Mary Garden already, then plant a new flower. Plant a new rose bush or some fresh rosemary to honor her.
3.) Read about Mary: Mother’s Day is a wonderful time to think about strengthening and deepening your relationship with Mary. Although she did not speak much in Sacred Scripture, a great way to draw closer to her is to read about the mother of God in Scripture. You can begin with reading passages such as Luke 1:38, Luke 1:29-2:19, 2:5. Passages such as John 2:5 and Matthew 1:24, 2:14 showcase the strengths of Mary. Meditate on what you learn from those passages and then consider how to implement those things into your own life.
4.) Make a meal to honor her: Who does not love to enjoy a great family meal? Mother’s Day is typically associated with gifts and a meal with family members. Incorporate your Blessed Mother into your meal by making something with rosemary. (such as a fabulous rosemary and lemon baked chicken) and a Bundt cake that can easily be shaped to look like a crown. Add some roses, rose salt, or some cut strawberries to form Mary’s crown.
5.) Practice charity: Mary sets the example of loving others and gifting of oneself. A perfect way to honor her is to honor others. On Mother’s Day, donate to the Holy Land Christians in need, do something kind for the homeless, or help a neighbor with something simple such as mowing their lawn.
You do not have to spend a lot of money or make a grand gesture to honor the world’s best mother on Mother’s Day.