Do the condemned burn in Hell?
Eileen Renders May 2024
The word lamenting describes loss, death, or grieving. It can also include disappointment. Sadly, many mothers have lost a child, and there is no greater grief in this world than that. Children have lost a mother. Mother’s Day is not always a pleasant day for many of us. The blessed Virgin Mary lost her only son and in a most incomprehensible way.
How we handle our losses and disappointments can be expressed through anger, resentment, or by complaining. However, no one in this world can feel our pain, except us and our God. Friends and distant family often have their difficulties such as financial or health problems, or both. Therefore, they may not be able to provide the comfort and support that we long for.
The good news is that we never have to suffer alone. Jesus is always with us. He wants us to go to Him. To lean on Him. This is because He knows our pain, He feels our suffering, and wants to console us. All He wants in return is for us to acknowledge that He made us because He wants and loves us. We may not hear His voice, as He speaks softly within that private corner of our hearts. Gratefully, He does hear us.
We cannot expect God’s comfort, love, and mercy that He wants to give to us when we choose to refuse to go to Him and believe in His love for us.
In The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops John Chapter 21 ~ Three times Jesus asked Simon Peter “Do you love me?” Simon Peter answered Jesus saying; “Yes, I love you, Lord.” Jesus replied; “Then go tend my sheep.” The third time Simon Peter said to Jesus “Yes of course I love you, but you know that, you know everything.”
Much of the Bible requires interpretation as life, speech, and understanding were different in the days of Our Lord. In John Chapter 21, I felt that Jesus was saying to Simon Peter “If you love Me then you must come to Me and be of service.” Jesus was telling Simon Peter to tend His sheep. To minister to His sheep. We are His sheep, and He is the good Shepherd.
Perhaps if we accept our disappointments and losses, go to Jesus for comfort, and busy ourselves in service for God, we will begin to feel the many blessings that God desires very much to give to those who are willing to come to Him?