I am a Helpmeet
We are all told as Catholics that the devil disguises himself as an angel of light. Or as my mother would say "Michelle, the devil is not going to to tell you he is the devil!"
Over ten years ago I was in the Occult and didn't know. I still considered myself Catholic and I was attending mass and doing all the Catholic things as well as doing the occultish things. I had met this couple on California psychics (yes those radio commercials!) Let's call them Doctor John and his wife Jane. Doctor John supposedly had his PhD in metaphysics. He told me he could speak directly to God and that everything that he did in physical prayers (spells) was all done directly through God. At the time I did not know this to be a lie because I was not versed in scripture "beware of false prophets" Infact he called himself Prophet John.
Doctor John didnt use tarot cards for his readings, he used angel cards, Blessed Mother Cards, and Jesus Cards to perform my readings. I thought this was all ok and fine. It wasnt until the author of these cards came out and said they were demonic and she had be baptized and converted to Christianity. Now you think my story would end here but there is ever so much more to tell you.
Doctor John took a lot of money from me. He would charge me $175 for a one hour reading. He would also charge me for physical prayers which I know today to be spells. At one time in this occultish relationship I had with him and his wife, I even went by train and traveled down south to meet them where Dr. John taught me more occultish things all saying "if this is not from God than who is it from?"
Jane had me read many books on this new age idea called the law of attraction. It twists scripture and the words of the saints, essentially if you align yourself with God you can have whatever you want. You become God. Which is something I never agreed with but there was a situation in my life where I was so desperate to get what I wanted it was insane.
Thanks be to God, I eventually came out of this. God and the Blessed Mother worked through YouTube and other social media outlets when I learned what I was doing and what John and Jane were doing were really bad. I got to speak through social media to the woman who denounced her angel cards, I learned that what I was being taught or had been taught by John and Jane was sorcery, witch craft, and anciet heresies wrapped up and revamped with new packaging to spread false hood. Looking back I cannot believe I didnt know the things that I know now. God is so very good.
I could go on and on. However, I digress, there is so much more I could tell you about my experience but it would be a novel and not an article. However, let me leave you with this, if anyone, I don't care if its your mother, father, sister, brother, or very best friend, if someone tells you that they have secret knowledge and I performing witch craft, and psychic readings in the Name of God... Run!