Christ Carries the Cross of our Sin - a meditation on the fourth sorrowful mystery of the Rosary
Meditation on the Third Luminous Mystery of the Rosary
Oh My Jesus,
as Our Father confirmed You as His Son
in whom He was well pleased.
You began to proclaim the kingdom,
Your Kingdom, and Your divinity,
even within the fullness of Your humanity.
Such a dangerous claim.
So threatening to the comfort
and power of the world.
Though not a kingdom of this world,
nonetheless, one far greater,
far wider ranging,
far deeper in the hearts of men,
where You, in Your love for us,
heal us of our infirmities.
Help us to understand our sin,
Oh Heavenly God,
and the consequences of sin.
Make straight the narrow path
necessary for us to walk, with our Jesus,
that we might find the joy and happiness
to which You call each of us.
We, who believe in You.
Who believe in Your perfect Son,
Who believe He was with us here on earth.
Our New Adam.
Our new hope in eternal life with You.
Oh Jesus, direct our will.
Guide us. Help us to know
when our formation is sufficient.
When it is time for us to go forth
in faith and obedience,
to proclaim Your Kingdom here on earth.
To acknowledge Your rightful place as
our Lord and our King and our God.
Help others to have ears open
to hear Your word in our voice.
To hear You calling them
into Your mercy and forgiveness.
Into Your everlasting love.
Help them to know You, as our friend.
To know us, as Your friend.
You, Our Beloved.
Each of us, Your beloved.
Us, Your Chosen,
You, our choice, above all else,
in heaven and in our world.