The Wise and the Foolish
Not Your Concern
It does not matter whom I choose to stay
It is not your concern be on with your day
I am with you wherever you wander
Don’t worry about them keep yourself in prayer
Follow Me with your eyes looking forward
Looking back can make your trip awkward
Your concern should always be
Without doubt only on My Father and Me
My Advocate will soon arrive
Listen and hear Him and you will thrive
I give you My Word
I Jesus the Lord
I will love you forever and ever
Keep My Commandments and leave I will never
Trust what I say and your joy will be complete
Trust in My Spirit the Holy Paraclete
Others are not of your concern
Except wanderers whom to My House will not return
They you must plead for and pray
Then will you be on your way
For that reveals true want and wisdom
To enter my Heavenly Kingdom
JFFIII 5/18/24