Take Up Your Cross - Part 1
Upon Being A Conservative
Submitted by Thomas Stidl
Lately in the news, we hear attacks on conservatives from many sources. What does it mean to be a conservative or a conservative Catholic? It means keeping the traditions and the dogmas of the Catholic Church. It means trying to keep the commandments of God and the Church. It means being absorbed in prayer, good works, and charitable deeds. It means wearing our faith on our sleeves, so to speak, giving testimony to others by our words and our lives. It means taking criticism from many and forgiving them for their lack of knowledge of whom we are. This includes members of our own Church. It means being tolerant of all views that are not sinful.
This week, a football player from the Kansas City Chiefs gave a very eloquent speech to graduates about careers. One of the greatest careers any human being can have is to be a parent. Being a parent is one of the toughest jobs. It means cooperating with the divine love of God to bring forth life on this earth. It means creating a family that is the building block of society. To some, this may seem too dogmatic. In actuality, it is the manifestation of God’s supreme love on earth. That football player understands the will of God for his life.
Unfortunately, we have voices in our society who criticize his speech and actions. People are calling for his removal from the team. His speech and actions do not agree with their dogma. God only knows what their dogma is!! I suggest that those people who criticize his speech and actions become more tolerant of him and all conservatives.
To better understand conservatives, I suggest people read a book entitled, “The Conscience of a Conservative” by the late Senator Barry Goldwater. One aspect of conservatism is to conserve our natural resources using them for MANKIND’S greater good. This is how we earn our living. We plant vegetable gardens in our backyards. We plant trees to surround us. We know that human beings need oxygen to survive. We know that trees need carbon dioxide to survive. Humans exhale carbon dioxide. Trees create oxygen while intaking carbon dioxide. Conservatives like to keep a balance between the two. It helps us all to survive. We follow God’s command in Genesis to rule and subdue the earth.
Yes, conservatives have dogmas, just as liberals and socialists have theirs. We might want to become more tolerant of others. Remember to love your neighbor as you love yourself.
Some of us prefer the narrow road while others prefer the wide road. Looking to the words of Jesus we remember that wide is the road that leads to sin and perdition; narrow is the road that leads to eternal life. Let’s all get on that narrow road and encourage all to join us as pilgrims on the way to eternal life.
Until next time, Laus Tibi, Christe. Deo Gratias. Gloria Tibi Domini. Praise be to God. See you in Paradise. Amen.