Recently a friend referred to me as the 'model of a holy woman'. I remember thinking, at that moment I read this, how humbling a compliment it was. I was touched. I know I’ve never been referred to that way before. And I know I’ve never thought of myself that way. So, am I?
So, what does it mean to be holy? Well, some would say to be holy is to be exalted, or to be one with God. I read where it could mean perfect in goodness and righteousness. Still others would say to be devoted to God also defines one in a state of holiness.
So, as I have pondered the compliment over the last few days since I was called “holy”, I elected to go to the Good Book. Afterall, it’s never failed me before. And here’s what I found….Jesus talked about some of the characteristics of a holy life. So, I’ve elected to reflect on them in this writing.
Humility – Jesus encourages us not to want to be first. Be of a humble heart. When you are willing to give of yourself for the sake of another, without looking for credit or something in return, only then can you be that humble servant Jesus wants you to be.
Love – Need I explain love? Well, as we all know Jesus said “Love one another as I have loved you”. And yes, love your enemies. They are the ones who most need your love. Remember to see “the face of Jesus” in everyone. Even if your neighbor is unkind or disrespectful of you or others, this is the time when behaving the way Jesus would, displays the true meaning of love. Always remember, WWJD….What would Jesus Do?
Peaceful – Jesus asks the world to be peaceful in how we treat each other. Spending time fighting, arguing and challenging others does not help you or others. A holy life lives in a state of peace even when the most difficult times are present. It is during these times when we reach out to Him and ask that He strengthen our resolve to remember He wants us to be at peace with each other.
Prayerful – Our time spent in prayer is surely a special, personal and peaceful way of talking to Jesus. Prayer is not always a list of wants and demands. For each of us, prayer can be unique in its own way. We ask, we thank, we beg, we wish, we even demand. And this last one may not be the best way to seek Jesus as we work toward a life of holiness. But prayer is an easy way to talk to God, anywhere, anytime, for any reason.
Patience – This can be a truly virtuous way of understanding others as you would have them understand you. It’s not always easy to swallow that comment you might want to make in defense of you or others. Bite that tongue. Tolerance of others’ actions can be difficult, but suffering the feelings of anger or disappointment is what Jesus would have done and you’ll be blessed in heaven for doing the same.
Not Judgmental – This is a hard one. And in all sincerity, I struggle with this one. Simple things like not understanding why someone is late every day to mass, or why the guy in the car next to you cut you off in traffic, or why the gal at McDonalds didn’t say “thank you”, provide great opportunities for all of us to swallow that unkind comment or erase that awful thought. As Jesus said, “Do not judge, lest you be judged.” Jesus requires forgiveness from all of us; and those who have decided that others deserve our rath, instead of our forgiveness, have to work on those feelings to experience holiness.
Of course. There are numerous characteristics which might contribute to a state of holiness. It was unexpected that I was called “holy” and, ultimately, there is only One who will determine if I am holy or not…. that’s in Jesus’ job description. Will I stumble? Of course. Will I be that perfect person I want to be? No, of course not. We are all sinners. But Jesus will welcome the sinner into heaven who is penitent about his/her sin before those who sin and choose not to acknowledge their need to ask for forgiveness. Remember the 99 sheep and the 1 who was lost for the shepherd to find? Yea, that’s what this is about.
So, am I that model holy woman? As I mentioned earlier, I’ve been thinking about it. Knowing my sins and my past, perhaps I would have said “no” the day before I was graced with the compliment. Calling myself holy is hardly that display of humility. And not being perfect, I had always thought that it ruled me out of “The Holy People Club”. But now that I have put some thought into what Jesus looks for when seeking “holy” people, maybe I am a member, or at least Jesus knows I am standing at the clubhouse door, patiently waiting to be invited in to get my club card.
I do know this…………. I am devoted to Our Lord. I try hard, even though I stumble, and I try to display the characteristics I described earlier. As Jesus said, “I have summoned you by name and you are mine.” I feel like He has called me through this compliment, as it has made me think about what it means to be holy. So, like the Beatitudes, which are my favorite words in the bible, the characteristics of holiness are also a roadmap to the groups to look for when looking for Jesus.
We should all work toward a state of holiness. All will not achieve it, and others will not even try; but those of us who do, will enter heaven knowing they tried. And isn't that what Jesus wants of us….to try?!!!