Expecting the Best from God
Nothing is by Chance with God
We have heard, or should have opened our ears to the fact that God is an unseen deity and we should be open to his graciousness. There are of course many who are confused about an unseen God that they cannot fathom the very elements of reality that can only come through faith. Who is this God, thousands of the past would ask, when they cannot see past the end of their noses? Ask a blind person as they are walking through an observatory filled with multiple flowers, trees, and other odor emitting plants of nature how they see the beauty of God. Their keen sense of smell overlooking their loss of eyesight can observe something none of us with eyes can comprehend. It takes more than one gift of senses to find God’s presence within the world.
So it is with the obvious blessings each of us receives each waking moment when we become the recipients of God’s generosity and love. Listening to ministers of doubt who cannot accept the ominous existence of the universe, or the growth of nature that surrounds us, or the fact that the human body is so complex that none of these could have come from just a chance from nothing. Yet, we see every day millions of non-believers promoting the presence of everything in the universe came through an indescribable moment from something that wasn’t into the vast existence we all are part of.
One young student of science claims he cannot accept a god who is invisible to nature and created everything and everyone. However, the glaring question is what kind of entity that came from nothing establishes the intricacies of the universe and the quadrillions of planets and their respective center of existence? Even further, what kind of entity could create a human body consisting of miles of blood vessels carrying nourishment from a never-ending muscle called a heart, to the many organs that even science cannot describe completely in their functions to keep this human machine functioning for some people living over 100 years.
Assuredly, no science student or professor can relate to these attributes since they are learning that an entity beyond a big-bang theory must have been around in eternity to accomplish all that we have and enjoy as human beings. The theory of the big-bang concept means that just by chance we all came into existence. And the universe itself, if by chance evolved from nothing and is still evolving.
How erroneous this thought is for educated people who are able to put men on the moon, develop medicines to counter cancer and heart disease, are now establishing their own type of god that although invisible as well, cannot really see beyond the end of their noses. That takes a faith filled humanity who trust in the Real God of the universe.
Nothing with God is by chance. We worship our God because through faith the reality of him is not by chance, but the very word that has come through prophets who also believed and promoted the Word of God to all generations.
Ralph B. Hathaway