The Feast of the Ascension - A Homily
This weekend we celebrate Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. On this feast day, it is common for homilists to attempt to explain the Trinity. Most attempts, including my own homilies, fall far short of reality of the expansive mystery and power of our Triune God. Three co-equal persons, fully God, fully One God. Yet that these persons of the one God are not the same person has been a stumbling block through the ages. From the earliest church, this has been the experience of the Apostles. Yet, we struggle with it; various heretical strains have tried to place the Son below the Father. Or perhaps, the Son and the Father are two different gods. No and no but still a mystery.
Understanding the Trinity is not necessary for faith. However, we are well served to stand in awe of the God of our ancestors, the Christ who is Son, and the Spirit who proceeds for them. Our psalm this weekend captures it beautifully, “Our soul waits for the LORD, who is our help and our shield. May your kindness, O LORD, be upon us who have put our hope in you. Blessed the people the Lord has chosen to be his own!”
Happy Memorial Day. May you enjoy family and friends. May God bless all of our veterans, active-duty military, and, may we not forget, those who have died in the service of our country.
Be well and God Bless,
Deacon Ed Souza
If this note was helpful, please take time to read my homily on the mystery of the Trinity.