Yesterday is gone, Tomorrow is coming, Now is our need for God's Presence!
Reaching into the depth of man’s essence!
To which element of the universe can we compare to the stars of the night sky? Of all the unknowns we encounter, each mystery becomes a challenge that holds our minds as an impossible trek to search.
Watching a documentary regarding the depth of the oceans and finding there are living species in the darkest and deepest venues of another world to be uncovered during this 21st century of mankind. Just something that is only several miles deep has yet to be explored in spite of our sending men to the moon, over 238 thousand miles away from earth. A depth of just over 6 miles deep (6.8 miles) approximately, still awaits an exploration of those seeking this undiscovered mystery on this one planet in the universe.
Now look at the sky! When I stand and look at the array of stars my eyes can see the work of God. What is it that tells me this sight of wonder could not have come from an eruption from nothing. Count if you can see the galaxies in the universe without even being able to see the depth of the universe. Within each galaxy, such as our Milky Way Galaxy, how many solar systems are within each galaxy.
Whether we are not able to even explore the depths of all the oceans on our planet, so the complete exploration of the vast universe of which we are like a single drop of water compared the mighty oceans, the limit of man’s ability to reach beyond the finiteness of our minds is not ours to find this side of eternity.
Leaving these questions that confound the mind of man, let us look at another challenge that is not miles deep or miles into outer space. It is the deeper mystery that is closer to us than a quest into the physical world around us.
When God created man he didn’t just pick a mound of dirt and place on man two legs to stand and search the world around him. Within this new creature God put a mind that would protect the structure of blood vessels to nourish that muscle called a heart. Between that beating element of life giving blood feeding that brain that controlled the rest of this structure we are now looking at the mystery of how each particle of life in our body becomes a mystery even more appropriate to search than the deep oceans or the endless vastness of space.
Modern medicine has followed the many years of examining the workings of each part of the body and spending endless hours of searching and teaching the deepest questions regarding this machine called man.
Take both of these elements that are part of the make-up of this body we live in; the heart and the brain. Neither one can subsist without the other. All of the universe containing the untold number of heavenly bodies cannot exist without the creator’s hands.
This now becomes the reality that man is unable to grow, breathe, or move about without the allowance of Almighty God who directs through his Holy Spirit the finite capabilities of a human person. It is here that every thought, invention, or discovery that man has accomplished is not his own exclusivity. It is God alone that created us in the beginning of human life. We must remember that the beginning is only for the human birth and continuance of the human species. However, the reality of life got it’s beginning through the essence of eternity where the concept of life as we know it began.
This should be the truth of the presence of life throughout the universe, and on this tiny planet we call home came from the God who is eternal and was already present when he called the universe into existence. So much for a big-bang theory that has no subsistence.
Ralph B. Hathaway