Dreams that appear as visions, signs given to many!
A Journey into the unknown, led by Christ’s Holy Spirit
First and foremost we must acknowledge that the essence of the Holy Spirit is for us the guide that leads us forward in the darkness of life. Life does have light before our daily walk, but the clouds of doubt and uncertainty will always stand before us as a rampart that we cannot overcome, alone.
Let us start at the beginning of a day’s trek and see how far our steps can take our journey in the first moments of searching. That search at times will be what our mind tells us to seek before the touch from Christ warns us of an enemy ahead. Unless we understand that these enemies are placed there, not by God, but the enemy that waits for our weakness to cry out for pleasure.
Most preachers, Catholic and others, will suggest that we pray or at least acknowledge God when we wake from sleep. Bringing our Lord into our first sight of light will always become the manner to refresh our soul and know that He is there at our bedside. Even if the silent prayer in our heart is short, the fact that God is the first image of starting the day with him will become the first step of a new day.
“Today I shall ask the Lord what he wants from me before I take the pattern of rising into life and the many symbols of being one who is a believer.” Too often, as finite creatures, man looks for the fastest way to earn more money, find pleasure in the modern style of sexual gratification, and perhaps control over subordinates who will bow to my orders. This may sound like a dictator that lives somewhere else than on this planet, but in case you aren’t sure if this is factual, look at Wall Street and the Stock Market where many who read the stocks daily find their motivation to excel in their chosen arena of wealth.
Sounds like a make-believe world where you can close the next page of a story you are reading and dream of yourself at the top of the financial world. It isn’t that at all. The fast moving trends of getting ahead, on your own initiative, have become the mantra of the pattern used at the Tower of Babel. (sse Gn 11: 1 - 9). The question we who pray at the opening of a new day might have the same quest if it wasn’t for Christ’s Holy Spirit tapping at our conscience and opening his presence as the first thought of our mind.
Our mode of living as if nothing matters except to get ahead at any cost is the one criterion that may be the nail that closes our casket without God standing beside us. Remember God told the Israelites through Moses; “You shall not have other gods besides me.” (Dt 5: 7). The lust for money, sexual pleasure, or power to rule over others are lustful when the praise of God is left out of your life. God is not asking for a 24 hour day of praising him. But can’t we find a little time to place him first. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you.” (Mt 6: 33).
Journeying into the unknown by following Christ’s Holy Spirit is the most assured way to open the door to a life that can be prosperous in ways we may not understand now. But you will know later once you allow the Holy Spirit of God to take the lead and guide your soul to a world yet to be opened to your yearning for more that means life with God without the lust for earthly treasures. From Matthew: “Store up treasures, where neither moth nor decay destroy, nor thieves break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.” (Mt 6: 20 21).
Ralph B. Hathaway